Friday, April 10, 2009

Group Mu

Expanded sections, worked on powerpoint stuff.

Group Sigma

edited bill and printed out a rough draft.

Group Lamda

we Looked for pictures to put on our visuaL aid. we corrected the mistakes on our rouGhdraft.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Group Nu

Our group decided to write a bill to lower the drinking age limit to 18 years. We did our research by looking at several statistics and articles that involved the topic of our bill. After intense researching on our topic, we decided to start writing our bill. Since the bill project is a lot of work, we thought it would be wise to split up the work. Each of us took an even share of the workload and... yeah, now we're working hard on it. :]

*cough* Yeah.

-Cecilia, Vanessa, Eileen, David


Researched more, wrote/expanded the sections.

Group Lamda

Our Group worked on completinG our individuaL parts of the project.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


You guys do know that you don't have to keep posting about your bill. He only wanted us to blog on the first day in the library to understand what we're going to be doing in general o.o. Well... since everyone seems to have posted what they did today I will to. Our group started filling out and answering the worksheet, that is, the "outline" for our real bill. We are still uncertain to what we are going to do, but we'll figure it out... If all else fails... I say, "wing it!" -Viet Nam Vu

Viet, Nikita, Dianne, Armando

Group Sigma

Worked more on bill. Researched more.

Group Mu

Researched more, started working on writing the sections.

Group Xi - second day

We researched more about our topic. Started and finished a couple of sections. Started outlines and discussed about the bill and how we will put it together.

Group Lamda

We talked about who will benefit from the bill, how the bill work. We researched the parts we were going to do, and we put our ideas together, and discussed what to write.


we changed on who is doing what. we now have 3 people working on the paper and than the other person is working on our power point presentation with setting up on who is going to say what. we are suppose to do 1 pg paper tonight about which sections we have.


we divided up the parts of the 6pages and did some research on alternate fuel.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We all decided to do our bill based on the Immigration Law. We're thinking about making the process of becoming a US citizen a simpler and quicker process than what it is now. Right now we're not sure what or how you want this done Mr. Cummins, but I'm sure we can figure it out.
Viet, Nikita, Dianne, Armando

Group Sigma

Researched abortion and divided up the work. Started writing the bill.

Group Pi

We researched information on mandatory voter classes.


The group decided on what the bill was going to be about and we divided the sections of 2 per each member. We also discussed our ideas on illegalizing human cloning

Group Mu

Researched background on pot legalization issue, found arguments for both sides, started with bill outlines. april 7


We reasearched our topic today and began figuring out what we will include in our bill.

Group Xi - First day in library

Today we researched the pros/cons of the death penalty.

Monday, April 6, 2009


curfew changes, nuclear vs renewable resources, human cloning, sex education, government vs religion, border patrol


We are going to choose between

Give California's public colleges more money
eliminate the selling of assult weapons
Reward farmers for environmental friendly practices
Teachers should not be gauranteed "a 10 year"
Illegalize the testing of products on animals

Melina, Jenn, Christian, Andy


drinking age limit, speed increase, human cloning, decrease pollution, marijuana recreational use

kathryn barinder lynn jesse bill ideas

human cloning, drinking age limit, marijuana recreational use, speed limit increase, pollution decrease.

Group Pi

1. Illegal Immigration
2. Taxes
3. Health Care
4. Free Range Animals

Group Lamda

1. no speed Limit
2. no curfew
3. drinkinG at aGe 18

forGot the other..

Group Xi

We want to ban the death penalty in every state.

Other possible topics:
- Animal testing
- Enthusiasm
- Gun control
- Abortion


Our first choice is Banning Gas and using alternate fuel.

Group Mu

we call pot legalization

Group Sigma - Abortion

we choose abortion.


We are thinking about lowering the college tuition, changing the curfew to 12am, Changing the drinking age to 18, Banning Gas (alternate fuel), or Lowering our taxes
Group Mu wants to do pot legalization, gay marriage, abortion, lower drinking age, or lower taxes