Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Presidentail Debate

The first article talks about how the debate was suppose to focus on foreign policy which would have given McCain the upper hand. But due to the present economic crisis the first 40 minutes were spent addressing possible solutions which is one of the topics Obama feels most comfortable discussing. It became very clear that McCain has more experience when it came down to foreign policy. McCain criticized Obama for being inexperienced and in turn Obama tied McCain to the Bush Administration.

The second article talks about Obama being just as knowledgeable about foreign policy as McCain and even more knowledgeable and better suited to deal with the economic crisis. McCain was more tactical and aggressive but most of it involved misstating Obama's position about topics such as raising taxes on the middle class and invading Pakistan. Obama was more strategical and criticized McCain of big issues. Obama admitted when he agreed with McCain but rarely even acknowledged Obama.,8599,1845114,00.html

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