Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Barack Obama is who i would vote for, if i was eligable to vote. The reasons why would want to choose him for president are his solutions to some issues. The issues that i agree with are his answers to:

Taxes: Obama plans do tax cuts that will benefit many families. These tax cuts will help the middle-class and many small buisnessess. Obama is said that this will affect 95% of Americans. Families that don't make more than $250,000 a year, will not see their taxes increases. Families that make less that $200,000 will see their taxes decrease. Small buisnesess will recieve a 50% tax credit that will help small businesess provide health care for its workers.

Women: I support Obama's plans for women's rights. He plans to fix the health care system for women. Obama supports the fight against HIV and AIDS. I also agree with Obama on reproductive choice. The right to choose wether or not to get an abortion and to prevent unintended pregnancies. Women shouldnt have a baby if they feel they are not ready to have a child.

War in Iraq: Obama and Biden are determined to end the war and bring the troops home. He plans to give the Secretary of Defense and military commanders new missions to help end the war. He also will press Iraq to take the responsibility of it's own country and future and increase the stability of the country. A counter terrorism force will be left in Iraq to help protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel. Obama also plans to work with Iraqi authorties to keep track of potential war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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