Monday, January 23, 2012

Danny "THE BEST" Cervantes

My top 3 choices are;
2.CAL and,
3. USC
1. UCSB because its is a beautiful college that i have visited before that i feel as if i belong in that enviornment. its like Mr.Sevilla said "its a beautiful city where I can surf and there are sexy girls that are half naked everywhere."
2. CAL because that is one of the hardest schools to get into and if i would get into it i would feel as if i would become really successful. I also like the campus and the surroundings.
3. USC beacuse this school has an excellent program for theater and acting. the only thing i dont like is the cost of the tuition.


Danny Cervantes said...

Wow this is amazing.

Edwin Sevilla said...

I have a copy right on my quote and u didn't ask for permission so see u in court