Sunday, September 28, 2008

2008 Presidential Election

The two presidential candidates went head to head in the first presidential debate on Friday September 26, 2008. The debate was originally on foreign policy and national security, but due to the economic crisis that the U.S. has recently entered, the topic was changed. As I was watching the debate, i realized that each candidate was answering the questions in a very vague manor. There was no straight forward answers. It's smart because the viewers can interpret it anyway, but at the same time its annoying because you never get the exact answer you want. I loved the parts when McCain was talking and Obama would interrupt thinking he wouldn't get time to get his point of view out to the world. Looking back at the whole debate, there wasn't really a clear winner. Both candidates answered the questions well, but neither went over and beyond. There was no moment where I was very impressed with the answers given. Many articles say that Obama won, but some also calim that McCain won soley on the fact that he has more expirience in other areas. Overall, the debate was okay. The most interesting part was seeing wether the candidates would tackle each other. You could see in their eyes the hatred they have towards each other and how much they want to win. So in the end, we will have to wait until the next debate to see more into the personality and point of views of the candidates.


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