Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mississippi Debate

This first article just talks about how Obama won the debate but for different reasons. This article was in the journalists point of veiw. She was talking about how Obamas supporters looked like real people, unlike McCains supporters which looked like Barbie and Ken. She described how on the arrival of the two debaters, most of the people were clapping and waving at Obama, but when McCain walked in, it was complete silence. She mentioned that during the debate, McCains team had been taking in what Obama said, and then on their laptops print out rebuttals on blue paper and had been handing them out to people. She said at first it was a very clever idea, but after the 10 or11th blue paper, it started to become annoying. She was for Obama and decided that he had won the debate.

This second article talked about how both candidates had their little highlights but no one really delivered. The debate on September 26, 2008 was mostly about foreign policy, iraq, economic bailout, nd more. The polls said that voters had more confidence in Obama when it came to economy, but when the subject changed to terrorism in Iraq, polls said that most voters had confidence in McCain. There are 3 more debates to go that surely all the voters are very eager to watch.

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