Sunday, September 28, 2008

9/26 Debate

According to Yahoo! News, McCain scored an overall grade of B-, while Obama scored an A- on the first presidential debate. McCain's arguments were ambiguous and at times hard to follow. He would graze over the topic, but never really go into depth about it. He talked a lot about the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Russia and then eventually got more into detail about foreign policy. His speech style came across as awkward, cluttered, jumpy, and often muddled. There were many moments when he was overtly laughing and mocking Obama, claiming Obama was inexperienced and uninformed, while utterly confident of his own experience, knowledge and policies. As for Obama, he presented more details on foreign policy and was eager to express his views, though he did not present all the specifics some voters wanted to hear. His speaking style was confident, polished, and focused. He was well prepared and showed that he had knowledge on all of the issues. So much so that at times his answers even seemed too rehearsed. He often linked McCain to Bush, using that tactic as his main method of attack. He even remained cool and collected when attacked by McCain, defending himself with obvious preparation and sharp answers.
According to another article from the Associated Press on Yahoo! News, the debate's primary focus, foreign policy, was supposed to be McCain's major advantage and a challenge for Obama. But Obama stood his ground and showed that he was comfortable and knowledgeable of what was supposed to be his toughest subject, taking the stonger stance during the first part of the debate. McCain took over for the last hour, since foreign policy was his strong point.
Personally, I was not very into the debate and found it most interesting when both senators attacked one another and their dislikes for one another showed through to the audience.

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