Monday, October 6, 2008

Lies and Talking Points Make Everything Better

Once again two politicians managed to speak for an extended period of time without saying anything we hadn't heard before. Palin really won here because she managed to navigate the treacherous waters without ending up looking like a complete fool, which was really her objective here. Biden (who looks really old, by the way) could've shouted until he was red in the face, but expectations for Palin were much lower and thus much more easily lived up to. Kudos to Palin for not coming off as she did in those horrendous interviews, and for the one really clever line of the night "Say it ain't so Joe." (Though the setup was painfully obvious.) Biden did well, but the odds were really stacked against him. He had to perform a delicate balancing act while Palin just had to spew talking points and pronounce nuclear right (oh wait). I really think we should just have them put on some boxing gloves and duke it out.

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