Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Vote For Obama

After watching the 3 presidential debates of 2008, i have decided that i support Senator Barrack Obama and his ideas for this country.
Financial Crisis
The opening question of the debate was based on the growing financial crisis of the economy. McCain came up with only one solution to the problem, while Obama had 4. Obama proposed a rescue package that is targeted towards the middle class. This package includes more jobs, immediate aid for families, lower mortgages for home owners, and more efficient energy, health, and education policies. Obama proposed tax cuts for businesses who find labor in the U.S. and increase taxes for labor in foreign countries. This will increase the employment rate of Americans greatly, which will help the economy. The tax breaks for middle class families will help those struggling financially to buy food, save money to send their children to college, and allow them to keep thier homes. Another topic covered in the debate was about Joe the plumber and the opening of his small business. McCain supports Joe the Plumber and his idea to open the business and does not want to raise taxes on him. Obama says that he also supports Joe the plumber, but does not believe that the tax cuts should apply to him, but the middle class. Obama plans to cut 95% of taxes from the working Americans. I think that Obama has a better solution, because i feel that the middle class is more in need of the tax break over the businesses.
The Budget
During the debate, both candidate's budgets were questioned, because both were said to have put the country in even more debt. The deficit of the nation is said to be 455 billion dollars. And both candidates have yet to cut unnecessary or ineffective programs from the budget. The estimated debt of the candidates are said to put the country back by another 300 billion dollars. Both candidates stated that they would cut some programs, but failed to mention which ones. I think that the statement that caught my attention was Obama's accusation that McCain's term as president would be equivalent to 8 years of Bush's term. McCain replied that he is not President Bush, but I think that their ideas and concepts are similar. Although it is only an accusation, I believe that McCain's proposals to get America out of debt is not as strong as Obama's. Obama offered more of a variety of ways to get out of debt. I felt that Obama's ideas were more dramatic, and I feel that those ideas are what we need to get out of this economic disaster.
McCain stated that he is strongly against abortion. He supports the overturning of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. When asked if he would appoint a judge who believed in abortion, he said that he would not judge them on their personal beliefs and ideas. McCain stated that he would not provide a litmus test for the appointment of the supreme court judge, but also said that someone who supported abortion would not fit the credentials to be a supreme court judge. He basically contradicted himself. Obama supports abortion, but wants a ban on late term abortion. Obama stated that although abortion is a very sad thing, it is ultimately the mother's decision to keep or abort the baby. I strongly agree, because the mother is capable of making her own decisions. I also agree with Obama's suggestions of having adoption clinics and more education programs on safe sex and abstinence. I think that this education will help decrease the number of pregnancies and in turn will decrease the number of abortions.

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