Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Vs. McCain

According to CNN's "Dissecting the debate", There was a poll on who won the debate. 51% of the poll voters say Obama took the win, and 38% say that McCain took the win. But neither of them both defended their party as well as they could be. McCain talking about how "Obama is not experienced", Obama talking about how "McCain forgot about the middle class". I felt that neither candidate was clear in their answers to the questions asked. On the first question, referring to the bail-out plan; neither senator answered the question. All they had to say was, "Yes, I will support it, no, there is nothing I will change," or visa versa.

The second article I read was "Candidates clash on Economy and Iraq" from the NY Times. In the first part of the debate, both candidates refused to specify any changes they would make for the economy, such as tax reductions or spending programs. When it came to foreign policy, McCain was intent in showing that Obama was inexperienced, but Obama seemed calm and in control. He also seemed to have his own foreign policy and talked a lot about foreign countries and their leaders. "The debate served as a reminder of just how different these two men would be as president as they appeared for their first extended session together before a huge audience."

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