Sunday, October 19, 2008

My decision

Senator Obama wins my vote over Senator McCain.

Health care:
Obama struck in this issue against McCain. Health care is a issue that we struggle in the U.S. Obama is that he would make a change for health care for us to afford. Affordable health care would help everyone in the whole United States, it would change peoples life that can not afford it. Obama said in the debate that "If you have a health insurance, you don't need to do anything. You can keep the choice of the doctor you want, keep your health insurance, and keep your plan." Obama wants to lower health insurance in order to keep people healthy across the country. For that he has a plan for this to help them, cut average families premium to $2500 per year. It builds on the existing health care system and uses the existing providers. Lower health care equals helping people lives. It would be beneficial and affordable to those in need. For this topic Obama wins the issue of health care.

Obama is for abortion but wants to ban late term abortion. Obama stated that although abortion is a very sad thing, it is ultimately the mother's decision to keep or abort the baby. It is right for women to have there right of choice in having an abortion. There is no point of banning abortion if it is not your baby and wouldn't be your choice.For reducing this promblems he wants to have more educated programs on safe sex and abstinence for the youth and, who is is need of help. Which that is the right thing to have out there. Having all these programs would reduce all the abortions and pregnancies. All this is for change to better peoples problems. With Obama building the clinics it is gonna better everyone. I would say that Obama wins this part of the debate.

Colleges have been expensive and not affordable. Many students don't have the right amount of money to get in the college that they want to get in. For this Obama wants to make colleges affordable. I would agree with Obama to make colleges to be more afforable. Me and my family has an issue with money and have barley enough to get in SDSU. So reducing prices would help all kids that want to go to college. Obama has a good idea $4000 tax credit for college education in exchange for community service. With that plan there would be a program to better teachers in teaching there students. Teachers will be rewarded for their accomplishments. For this Obama once wins this issue.

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